See the user's manual for more info on these new features
Uninstall does not require the “Mac OS Easy Open” Control Panel anymore (earlier versions did).
If you don't have the “Mac OS Easy Open” Control Panel, Yank uses an alternative window for making uninstall choices. If you have the “Mac OS Easy Open” Control Panel, press the Option key when clicking on the Yank Uninstall button for the alternate window.
Clean up Prefs Folder now has two search modes: Thorough and Quick.
Quick access to our web site by using special code developed by John C. Daub <>.
Code has been better optimized for faster performance.
And a few bugs fixes.
New for Yank 2.0.1
Fixed a bug: Yank would on occassion ask to move a file to the Trash when the file was already in the Trash—fixed.
New for Yank 2.0.2
Fixed a bug: Yank would sometimes give a -43 error when moving something to the Trash—fixed.
Note on the user's manual (Yank User's Manual):
The user's manual is really a PICT file and any application that reads PICT files should open the file.